The London Olympics are approaching ever closer, and the press and emergency services are all winding themselves up to fever pitch about it.
There have been lots of articles in the media in the last few weeks about the security measures for example. The furore about missiles being located on top of residential tower blocks is one ludicrous example of the extremes the government is prepared to go to, to pacify the thirst for 'protection' against terrorism. There have been military flypasts over central London to show off the might of the air force, and Royal Navy destroyers in the Thames.
Of course we mustn't dismiss the threat of terrorism at such a high profile and prestigious event, but let's keep things in proportion. Is it really going to make any difference if missiles are stationed at RAF Northolt or on the top of a tower block in Southwark? Maybe a nano second before impact, but that's all. Is it really going to make us feel any safer if we have HMS Shoot-Em-Up floating on the Thames in full view of all the tourists, or actually is it going to make us all feel somewhat uneasy?
And how much is all this costing? Millions at least, possibly billions. You and me are paying for this!
Then there's going to be getting to work (or possibly not, depending upon what happens). The tube network, which has been much better of late with fewer delays (now I've said that, I'll be held up getting to work tomorrow) is predicted to be massively under the necessary capacity and we are told we may have to wait up to an hour to get on a tube train from certain stations. I could walk from Victoria to Kensington in 50 minutes, and maybe that's what I'll have to do. And that's if it doesn't break down under all the extra strain first. What's the betting the weather will also conspire against us, with storms and leaves or broken branches on the lines. Deep joy!
Of course, all this could be just the great British over-analysing and be like the millenium bug all over again (ie lots of panic, massive amounts of work and money spent and then nothing happens). Of course you could argue that nothing happened then because we had been so prepared beforehand, but if you ask me nothing would have happened anyway. And it won't this time. We might have a few delays getting into work, and I'm sure there will be a few minor security scares because some people are frankly just stupid, but that will be it (famous last words!).
I wonder whether I can leave the country for the whole time? I'll watch what I want to on the telly (where you'll get a better view anyway) and won't have any of the hassle. What a good idea!
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