I am staggeringly bored.
I am working at home today and tomorrow, and I have a range of different things with me to do. I have made some progress this morning, but for the last two to three hours my brain has ground to a halt and I simply have got nothing done whatsoever.
The trouble is, what I have to do is mind numbingly dull and really doesn’t interest me at all. I am writing a Project Initiation Document for a project to refresh our web pages, rewriting a job description and pulling together a gannt chart for another project. I do quite like project management work, which appeals to my tidy ordered mind, but the subject matter bores me rigid.
I mean, IT, come on for goodness sake! I am a strategic, broad brush manager and I have staff to do things like that for me! The trouble is none of them could write a Project Brief or a PID if their lives depended on it and it would be twice the work and require numerous edits if I asked them to have a go. So it just seems simpler to do it myself.
It doesn’t help that the sun is shining today and it is pleasantly warm. The cats are basking on the lawn in a tight circle formation so that at least one of them can watch the puppy at all times, and she is running around them like a dervish with my old slippers and an old small squishy football, desperate for them to play with her. Very soon, one of them is going to reach out and lazily scratch her on the nose, I can see it coming.
There is a gentle buzzing of bees and garden strimmers (clearly not a lot of my neighbours are at work – I’ve never seen so much gardening activity in the middle of the day in the week) interspersed by the odd blaring car radio as one of the local Herberts drives up the road too fast, windows wide open and radio blasting out, in his customised Renault Clio that has speakers almost as large as the car itself. But apart from that, it’s a pretty peaceful summer’s day and a nice day to be sitting here looking up the garden.
This may come as no surprise to you, but I really don’t like my job. Oh, I can get on with it and when I’m in the office most of my colleagues are pleasant enough, but the work isn’t my cup of tea (I’ve sort of inherited quite a lot of it through various restructures etc and it was either that or be out of a job myself) and I’m really not sure what sort of difference it makes. Honestly, does it really matter that a load of super rich people in Kensington get their basement extension approved in eight weeks and a load of nimbys have access to a super duper web site so they can spy on and complain about their neighbours? I don’t think so!
I will have to get on in a minute, but I think after another half an hour or so I will pack it in for the day (I have been working since 8am, so that’s not too much of a skive) and come back to it hopefully refreshed and in a more IT type mood tomorrow.
But before I do, I’ll just see what Olympic sports are on the telly…..
These boring jobs are always a pain. Unlike you, I do like my job but there are always times when a working chore presents itself and has to be finished. I learnt long ago that the best time to carry out the worst tasks are first thing in the morning and never to do them at home, the distractions are just too tempting. Ultimately, the job just has to be done and, as an old colleague of mine once said, some days you just have to JFDI - Just Fucking Do It. By the way, there is very reliable information about men who drive around in cars with the volume blasting. Apart from being douchebags, it is a well known fact that the volume of said in-car entertainment is inversely proportional to the size of their penis.....