Tuesday, 1 January 2013

More things I'd do if I were in charge in 2013...

The year may not be long enough. But here are a few more things I'd do if I were in charge this year, in no particular order...
  • Legislate to ensure that banks plough back at least 50% of their profits into schemes to help the communities they serve, instead of being allowed to retain their extortionate billions and share it amongst an elite and undeserving few. And no, they wouldn't relocate, because the UK is still a massively profitable market for them and if they do, well who cares?
  • Leave the EU, which we seem to get no discernable benefit from and pay a massive amount into. It might temporarily dint our exports, but they'd bounce back. What do the rest of the EU (besides Germany) do which is of any notable economic benefit?
  • Stop international aid to other countries until we have put our own house in order, by investing in our infrastructure including repairing our roads, building proper flood defences, putting the hospitals and schools into a state of good repair and keeping our streets properly clean.
  • Put a cap on executive pay at a reasonable level (which might be quite high) and instead share the money out amongst the people that do the real work.
  • Make it compulsory for the telly to show at least one 'Carry On....' movie each week.
  • Teach citizenship much more in schools, educating our children to make a meaningful contribution to the world they live in and instill in them that sponging off the state is a bad thing.
  • Ban Eastenders, Corrie and Emmerdale (and possibly some other dreadful soaps) which are not representative of real life and teach our children that 'soap style behaviour' is an acceptable way to carry on.
  • Bring in proper punishment for criminal activity and change the law to be on the side of the police and public, and not the perpetrator.
  • Knock down high rise flats and allow people to live in proper houses with little gardens and some sense of civic pride.  And make it compulsory that they look after them in good repair.
  • Teach men it's not a bad thing to cry, nor is it shameful. Repressed emotion is responsible for so much unhappiness.
Better get started.

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