Thursday, 29 August 2013

By popular demand

By popular demand, and in response to considerable public pressure (well, one or two people at least) the rant is back!!

“The View on the Street” is extremely gratified to know that it has been missed. Its return may be on a somewhat less regular basis than before and rather erratic due to other pressures on time and frankly, there’s only so much creativity to go round. There certainly isn’t any shortage of topics to write about since the world does not appear to have become any saner in 2013 and in many cases has deteriorated significantly in sanity terms as well as in many other ways.

So what to choose as the first topic after a good rest?

Well there is the controversial stuff such as the civil war in Syria and the UK government’s dithering on what do to, if anything. There are the usual topics of immigration, the incompetence and inadequacies of the public transport system, the economic situation and politics.

There is also my ongoing battle with my weight and my aging body’s increasing propensity to regress to its teenage years in terms of spots, moods and odd sleeping habits.

There are the positive topics of ambition, plans for the future, happy events and celebrations such as Christmas (soon to be upon us, rather scarily) and birthdays (all too frequent and coming round ever more quickly with each year that passes), engrossing hobbies and activities we have engaged in (endless viewing of ‘Pointless’ [the best TV quiz programme EVER], concerts and exhibitions as well as a new hobby of home brewing which has seen the recent bottling of 40 bottles of Victorian ale and 13 bottles of home-made Pinot Grigio, and pretty passable Pinot Grigio at that).

There are the let downs and the arguments, gossip about others and just general observations on life as we know it.

Perhaps it’s best not to plan what to write in advance but just do so as the mood and activities of life take me. I think one of the things which has appealed about TVOTS is that it is not only superbly written, eloquent and articulate (my own opinion, not what I have been told but goes without saying, of course!!) but that it has been spontaneous and current, without a pattern and not predictable apart from the fact that it is quite frequently, of course, just a cathartic rant. One of the reasons I slowed it down before was because I didn’t want it to become formulaic, planned or too repetitive, so this time it may only be once or twice a week or maybe even less frequent if nothing significant has happened.

But it’s back. It never went away but was just sleeping, gathering its strength and refortifying for the coming few months. It will sit alongside other activities which will, I am convinced, bring me fame and fortune or at least one of those fickle companions if not both. It will be frank, fearless and controversial. It will say things you disagree with and which many think but few will have the courage to voice, or make assertions which make you think “Silly cow, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about”.

But you’ll notice it. Definitely!

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