Saturday, 21 April 2012

Another update on the fitness regime

I thought it was about time that I gave you an update on my fitness regime. Not that there is a great deal to say because, unfortunately, it has stalled somewhat.

You all know that in the early days I did really well, doing exercise, eating less and more healthily and losing 10lb in the process.  And that's about it. Nothing else has happened and, as it always does, life has overtaken me.

I haven't put the weight back on, mind you, but I certainly haven't lost any more. The busyness of work, trying to run the house and now starting rehearsals again means that I just don't have time to think about my food, which is what you really have to focus on if you want to seriously lose weight. 

Having just been on holiday, and feeling rather pleased that I have managed to squeeze back into a pair of jeans I left in Crete last autumn, I am however conscious that in a swimsuit I still look rather like a lemon on matchsticks (or a weeble, if you prefer) and must lose some more. So the promised supermodel status is still some way off.

The Hubby also feels like a weeble, so we are climbing back on the wagon as I write and, with the exception of going out to dinner, all booze, sugar and the majority of fat and carbs are banned. We have eight weeks before going to Greece again, and will have lost more weight by then and done some more exercise.

I have the added incentive that I am incredibly skint, and need to cut down on the shopping bill. Buying less of the luxuries will have the benefit not only of making me trimmer but also of making me richer. And I do think it gets easier to lose weight when the weather is warmer and you simply don't feel like eating loads of the stodgy comfort food you eat in the winter.

I will need to discipline myself to keep out of the kitchen, since I find baking an incredibly relaxing and fulfilling activity. But it's chronically bad for the waistline, so I mustn't do it. Instead I'll have to do some more writing and perhaps focus on that self help book I intend to e-publish.

I wonder if I ought to write a chapter on dieting?

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