Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Where did Easter go?

It was a lovely long weekend, but I can't help wondering where it went.

The time since last Thursday evening, when we all breathed a sigh of relief that we didn't have to go to the office for four days and settled in for Easter, seems to have flown by. I can't even think what we've done really. We had a short family do on Saturday evening for our kids, then went to see the in laws Sunday afternoon, but apart from that we've just bodged around the house and done a few odd jobs at a reasonable pace. On Monday we went out and bought my birthday pressie (a 160 GB ipod classic - yey!) and then had lunch at Pizza Express. Very nice, but now we are all back to work again.

I have had two really crappy days in the office this week before going off to Crete. Several meetings, including three quite difficult appraisals for staff that are deluded about their capabilities and attitude. While I am away they will be sticking pins into their little plasticine dolls of me and thinking nothing but evil thoughts about me. Such are the trials of being a boss and having several staff!

I have left some blogs to publish in my absence, but you will have to go onto the blogsite or be signed up to read them as they will not auto publish to Facebook. And while I'm away, I will be people watching and observing for lots more blog material!

Keep reading, and I'll be back soon.

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