Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Life stinks.....

Definitely the post holiday blues are well and truly bedded in.

Quite frankly, work seems pretty pointless at the moment. I am spending all my days writing Project Briefs and reports which even I think are dull and no matter how I try, it is impossible to liven them up, the subject matter is so dusty and dry. Honestly, who on earth cares if the richest council in the country misses out on a few more millions because some new charging regime is a few months late starting (well, our Councillors would care of course but no one else would), and who cares if the planning department has an effective project management system or not – certainly not the planning officers who wouldn’t recognise a system if it slapped them in the gonads.

Not only that, but the weather has been crappy ever since we got back. We left Heraklion in 36 degrees of dry heat and landed back at Gatwick in 11 degrees of chilly dampness, and it hasn’t warmed or dried up much since. Yesterday it was so cold and damp I almost put the heating back on again, but instead, mindful of the bills, wore a thick jumper and put an extra blanket on the bed. I hate being cold and wet, and I have been nothing but that for the last ten days. Honestly, it’s ridiculous, this is meant to be the height of summer and we have just come out of so called ‘flaming June’ into ‘blooming July’. Bloody soggy July, more like! Mind you it is Wimbledon fortnight, so I suppose it is to be expected.

I am also skint, which is contributing to my very bad mood. It’s always the same after holiday and it isn’t because I don’t budget, because I do. It’s just that when you are away (or amidst the temptations of Gatwick Airport duty free) you spend on things which you then forget about (ie Jo Malone perfume), and so don’t take account of it when working out how much money you have left. Then when you come to check the bank account you get a nasty surprise.

Penultimately, I have put back on a considerable amount of the weight I lost a few months ago which means my clothes don’t fit nicely (again) and I feel frumpy and lumpy (again). Drastic measures are called for! I have signed up for one of those diet programmes where they deliver your food for you and all you have to add is fresh fruit and vegetables and the occasional yoghurt or bread roll. I am hopeful that this will do the trick, as one of the things I always fall down on is having to think about my food, measure out portions and eat differently to the rest of the family. It costs a fortune (another reason I am skint because you pay up front, although some of which is offset against normal food spending) and a full month’s worth of breakfasts, lunches, dinners and daily snack treats have been delivered in plain brown cardboard boxes and are sitting in the kitchen. It’s a good month to start as we have no dinner dates on the calendar, but I suspect I am going to be very hungry quite a lot of the time.

Finally, and to top it all off nicely, I have been told off by the doctor because my blood pressure is too high and my cholesterol is through the roof, and unless I can reduce it over the next month or three by removing various stressors from my life, weight loss and improving my general fitness, I will have to have it treated and that is treatment pretty much for life, not just a month. (Sounds like that advert for pets doesn’t it – “A dog is for life, not just for Christmas”!) So I need to give some serious thought as to how I do that, and that will involve difficult decisions.

So basically at the moment, life pretty much stinks as far as I am concerned. Nothing is going in the right direction or as I want it to. And it is going to be hard work turning it around. No doubt I will pour out my frustrations on this blog, Facebook and to anyone else that will listen. You might get bored, but it might make me feel better. After all, a problem shared and all that …..

1 comment:

  1. Certainly a problem shared helps things a little. It is when all these things happen at once it seems worse, especially after coming back from an enjoyable holiday. My sympathies, I can tell you are depressed just through the tone of your blog. Chin up Mrs W, and remember, it is who is inside of you that counts. Blood pressure, probably due to work and cholesterol, probably due to your weight gain. At least you have the intelligence and wherewithal not only to recognise your problem, but to do something about it. Good luck!


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