I had thought once I got Midsummer night's Dream out of the way, I would have a relaxed few weeks and be less busy before going away. I had thought I would run up to my holiday tired and ready for it but not quite as stressed as usual. My timetable and commitments looked manageable.
Well I should have known better. The play finished about ten days ago and I haven't stopped since. This week looks manic as well, some of it nice social stuff but much of it just chores and jobbing. It's ludicrous! To make things worse, I am doing everything at home virtually single handed because The Hubby is working 60 hour weeks on some special project and is never here. When he is here briefly, he is so knackered he's good for nothing!
I think it's a symptom of life to day that if you are working, your life just becomes increasingly hectic. Certainly my work environment is something my parents would never have recognised, coming from a more relaxed time without targets, pressures and budget cuts. Of course it is the relaxed lacksadaisical approach of the past that has landed so many of us in the poo now, so they are to blame in a way, but they were certainly healthier than us even if they were poorer.
The trouble is that the more we earn, the greater our commitments and expectations and so the harder we have to work to meet them and the less time we have for what we like and what is important. We earn a very big salary between us, but we have two houses (one here and one in Greece) five children and various other borrowings that have to be paid. Partly that's a result of a profligate few years when borrowing was easy, salaries went up regularly and inflation was relatively low, for which we are now paying the price. But it has left us in a position of having very few options to move forward and although we have a financial plan, if one of us lost our jobs we would have to take some radical and very difficult decisions.
You may have noticed that this blog has got a little more erratic recently, and that is just pressure of things to do and busyness. It's not that I've run out of things to say, just that I don't have time to write about them. Very soon, I am going away for two weeks and I had resolved to try and write a few blogs in advance, leaving them to self publish in my absence. I'll try to do about half a dozen, but bear with me if I don't get the chance.
In the meantime I am going to try and calm things down a bit so I am not totally exhausted getting on the plane. It would be nice to have the energy to enjoy my first week as well as crashing on the sun bed. What are the chances?
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