I haven’t blogged for a few days. It’s not laziness or lack of opinions (as if) but lack of time.
I am sick to death of life being so busy and having so many things to think about. And I am even more fed up of everyone being such a pain in the arse.
I have worked hard all my life to be where I am today, and whatever else I have been, I have always been true to myself. I have never taken anything which isn’t mine, never swindled anyone (well, I did tell a white lie to the insurance company once about how my computer got damaged, but that’s all) never sponged off the state and never deliberately or maliciously set out to hurt or annoy anyone. And yet somehow, a succession of people one after the other seem hell bent on making my life or The Hubby’s life difficult.
I have decided that most people simply cannot cope with honesty and would rather live in a customised fantasy land where no one ever tells them the time of day or any home truths. I was brought up to always tell the truth, and by and large I’ve always done so. Experience and age has taught me to dress it up sometimes into a palatable form – when I can be bothered - but I have never shied away from confronting a situation and dealing with it face on. But I think it is that uncompromising honesty and straightforwardness which sets me into a different mindset than most and makes me no friends.
It’s been a crap few years, by and large. Health issues which have piled one upon the other, stagnant salaries and increasing bills, ever more unsatisfying work, bereavements, difficulties with family and having to deal with deluded and twisted individuals in a social environment have all contributed to a feeling that I really want to cut ties, do something drastic and start again. I don’t mean something dreadful drastic (ie suicide/divorce/giving away my shoe collection) but simply to re-evaluate life and decide what is important. The bugger is that I will, still, have to work. I’m not going to beat myself up over decisions I’ve made in the past few years, but they have now in the current situation come back to haunt us and life is going to be considerably more difficult than it might have been if I had been more prudent.
A very recent event has forced some difficult decisions about money, and it is becoming increasingly clear to me that striving to earn a senior manager’s salary and hang on for a final salary-ish pension is really not worth the price I am now paying. Nor is hanging onto the UK property ladder worth losing your sanity over. I’ve never really had an ambition to be a ‘lady who lunches’, but I really don’t want to carry on being a ‘lady who commutes and works her socks off’. It’s incredibly tempting to simply sell up, pay off both the mortgages (don’t forget I have a house in Greece which I adore) work out how much money we need to live in a basic way, resign and do something more fulfilling.
I’m not sure I’d have the guts, but it’s very tempting.
I feel awful that things are so bad for you and I can do nothing to help, everyday I speak to someone who's problems are causing them such distress. Life today seems to be a struggle for everyone I know. The problems are different but the result is the same - such misery.
ReplyDeleteI ask, why? Why is life so terrible? I have my theories, but that would start a whole new discussion on religion and good and evil. You are not alone although it feels like it. x
I feel for you here. I have also had many conversations with myself about working till retirement, doing something different and murdering certain people who have made, or are making my or my family's life Hell - and getting away with it. I wish I had a formula or some revolutionary method by which you could shortcut all the crap, but I don't. Life can be a bitch for sure, but the only things I can recommend to hold onto your sanity are family, friends, beer, a good book and a list of things to do before you die. Not necessarily in that order. We have to live by the circumstances we have made for ourselves, but you can change it. It may mean a huge adjustment, a lower standard of living or even a decision that is way out of the box, but it can be done. The question everyone has though, is do you have the balls to do it? It is hard, but you are definitely not alone.