Sunday, 12 February 2012

I hate February.

February is such a dismal month. The worst of the weather almost always seems to be in February (in the last four years, three of the big snowfalls have been the first week of February), I go to work and come home in the dark, the nice times of Christmas and activities such as panto are all finished, and we are all tired and desperate for the summer.

Work seems to get ludicrously hectic in February too, or perhaps its just that we have a lull over Christmas and in January so it seems like it's abnormally hectic now. I have so much on my 'to do' list I will have to be superwoman to get it all done on time, and right now I feel nothing like superwoman. The treatment on my back has been pretty effective but it has left me with massive bruises all along my spine which are very sore to touch or sleep on - so not much sleep - and everything I am involved with seems to be problematic.

The only bright side of February is that it will soon be spring. Sitting here writing this with snow blanketing the garden and the new green shoots which had hopefully come through dying of the cold now, it doesn't seem possible that very soon March and April will be  upon us with their sharp breezes and invigorating sunny days and I will be able to get out into the garden again without shivering. Last April, when I was away, there were temperatures of 25 degrees in the UK - we were shivering in 10 degrees and rain in Crete!

I am definitely a summer season girl. As you will have gathered if you read this blog regularly, I hate being cold, I hate being wet, I hate not being able to go out safely and when all that happens at once my hatred for the English weather is concentrated into full incandescance. I wimped out of going to work on Friday despite the fact that we had an important all day 'Away Day' planned because  it snowed all Thursday night, when I woke up in the morning the road was covered in snow, my back hurt and the Southern web site said that on my line 'your services are subject to disruption'. Frankly, it wasn't worth it and I felt tearful just thinking about it. The fact that the snow on the road had melted by lunchtime and my back is slowly but surely getting better throughout the day makes me feel guilty, but not too much!

I know the rest of the winter will pass quickly (I can even hear a cuckoo as i write, amazingly) and before we know it, summer will be upon us and whilst not wanting to wish my life away, I can't wait. It must be costing a fortune in heating bills me being at home all the time, and I get very bored and internet shop which I can't afford, so it's about time I got back to work properly and stopped feeling that I'd like to hibernate.

But in the meantime, I'm stoking up the fire and bringing in more logs. Gluwein, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Well, I LOVE the snow. I just do! I get all excited looking at it through the window. I like nothing more than being snuggled up inside whilst the flakes are gently falling outside. It's such a delicious feeling. I don't like driving in it however, and as we don't have it that often it is still a novelty each time it snows.
    However, I do love all the seasons and look forward to each one. The plus point of winter is that all the new shoots and leaves are fresh and new and invigorated by a sharp dose of cold, frosty weather. In Australia. everything always looks a bit dusty and tired, because it never has a chance to start afresh. Maybe you would find relentless warm, sunny weather a bit tedious after a while. Our beautiful seasons make for an interesting landscape and life.


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