Monday, 13 February 2012

It's 'The View on the Street's two month anniversary!

I have been blogging for two months now. I can't believe it has gone so quickly!

When I started back in early December 2011, it was something that I'd always had a hankering to do, but never actually found the time. I was also worried that I wouldn't have enough to write about or that anyone would read it. After all, most people have their own lives to lead and probably aren't interested in the ramblings of an outspoken, radically minded and slightly off the wall, middle aged, middle England female.

Well in the last two months I have written 55 blogs - this is the 56th. That's almost one a day and so far, with only a small amount of duplication and the occasional rant, I've found it pretty easy. (Just wait - now I've said that next week I'll be struggling to think of a topic). I'm even considering compiling them as a sort of 'Bridget Jones Diary' thing and eventually sending them to a publisher. You never know, they might make my fortune.

By and large subjects do seem to present themselves. Either something on the news which interests or infuriates me, a particularly bad or good programme on the telly, something which amuses or interests me perhaps simply from people watching or maybe something very personal. Something almost always occurs to me and while I am sure some of them are more interesting than others and some are better written, I think most of them are entertaining. But I would say that, wouldn't I?

I have to admit that I am a trifle disappointed that not many people are actually signed up as followers, but I do know that many more read it. Quite often now people's opening line when they see me is "I like your blog" or even more flatteringly, "I look forward to reading your blog". That's always nice for any writer to hear and I do often set out to be controversial. I want people to say what they think too, and I don't mind if they disagree with me. Writing like this is extremely cathartic, and engaging in exchanges of views very healthy.

Possibly, of course, readers may be thoroughly fed up with continually reading my drivel, but I don't think so. So if you are, let me know! It doesn't mean I'll stop, I may even decide to try and change your mind, but at least you will have said what you think!


  1. Well. I shall add my twopennyworth as usual. I really think i must be the number one fan of the blogs, in fact it's almost like a dinner party conversation without the dinner! shame, you not only are a great writer but a brilliant cook too! a multi-talented woman no less.
    I think your blogs are so interesting to read because you actually put into words what we all really are thinking and if we think the opposite then it is always nice to hear an opposing point of view.
    I bought a book two years ago to jot down my thoughts and feelings and plans, guess what? It is still empty. I often think, I must write how I feel down, somehow one's thoughts become more real and certainly more concrete once they appear in words!
    Thank you for a very entertaining two months. I even thought as I drove home tonight, ooh i wonder what the blog is about today! Long may they continue1

  2. Awww, and I thought I was the number one fan! It is often quite amazing to me that the 'ramblings of an outspoken, radically minded and slightly off the wall, middle aged, middle England female' quite often coincide with my thoughts. I loved writing my blog when I first came over and I'm still determined to start another one. I never struggled to find something to write about, no matter how trivial and I was always pleased when someone took the trouble to comment. So keep up the good work, Mrs W and here's hoping that we can continue our badinage well into 2012!


Please comment on my blog. I want to know what you think. Do you agree with me, or not?