Friday, 9 March 2012

Health insurance - wouldn't be without it!

One of the perks I have had at work up until now is private health insurance. When I first started working there, it was non contributory (ie free), you just had to sign up. For the past year, we have had to pay but at a much reduced rate compared to anything we would be able to get elsewhere. Now, they have written to all scheme members saying that the scheme is no longer financially viable due to a small number of members and high volume of claims, so they are stopping it on 31st March.

As you can imagine if you are a regular reader of this blog and you know about my problems with my back and my knees, I was devastated. I have had several thousand pounds worth of medical consultancy and treatment paid for by this scheme (in fact I am probably one of the main reasons they are cancelling it) and all done much more locally and more quickly than if I had to rely in the National Health Service. Don’t get me wrong, the NHS is brilliant if you are seriously ill or in an emergency, but getting treatment for non chronic conditions means that you can die waiting.

Life is too short and too busy not to have this cover, so now we are investigating alternatives. The Hubby has a BUPA scheme through his work so he is asking whether they will accept me with my previous medical history (I can hear them laughing from here) as they have a ‘medical history disregard’ clause available. I am also investigating whether Aviva, who provided the work based scheme, will continue to take me and getting some independent quotes as well.

It is becoming very apparent that we have had a very good deal for the past few years. Some companies won’t touch me because a) I have come from another provider and b) I have had recent treatment for pre-existing conditions. Those that will are considerably more expensive, more than double in some cases.

Hard up as I am, I am going to have to find this money. Having had so much treatment and not being sure that it has done the final job it is meant to, I simply cannot risk being without cover for the next year or two until I know whether things have settled down and I am fit and healthy again. So the belt will have to be tightened even further, and what we save, pitifully small as it already is, will have to be reduced.

I have final appointments with all my consultants before the end of March, and whereas I was considering not going if things felt OK I will now go along anyway (just to make the bastards pay) and make sure I fully understand what happens next if things don’t work out and I need more treatment. Then at least I can go into any new scheme with a fair idea of what to plan for.

I can do without this hassle, but it is a necessary evil and I need to get it sorted by the end of March, so it won’t last for long. Then at least I can have the security of knowing  whatever I need can be provided, and I have a fighting chance of reaching 2013 without anything outstanding.

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