Saturday, 17 March 2012

Head pain! Urgh!

The Hubby has been suffering badly with his teeth over the last few days. He has had chronic tooth ache in a tooth which had a root canal filling about 18 months ago. He went to the emergency dentist who told him that he had an infection and possibly a bit of the nerve was still there. The treatment 18 months ago cost about £300, so it's a bit bloody rich that he might now have to have more work done because the first lot wasn't properly completed.

I hate the dentist and I haven't been for quite some time. Even more, I hate the hygienist who pokes and prods, gives you a lecture then charges you a fortune for the privilege.

Any sort of pain in your head is awful, whether it be migraine, sinus pain or toothache. A few years ago I had to have a tooth taken out and the pain was excruciating. I have also suffered from blocked sinuses (quite regularly) before I had my rhinoplasty and spent days lying on a sofa trying not to move my head which felt like it had daggers driving into it. I am totally sympathetic to anyone suffering from any of these things which can incapacitate you for days.

So far, The Hubby is three days into a course of Amoxicillin and is getting through the paracetamol and ibuprofen like it is going out of fashion. But it does all seem to be calming down, and hopefully they will do the trick (Yesterday I thought he was going to expire as he looked so ill and was counting the minutes until the next dose!).

Inevitably, he will have to go back to the dentist and there will be more cost. It is ironic that he goes religiously for his check ups, sees the hygienist, flosses and uses a state of the art electric toothbrush and has had all this trouble whereas I never go to the dentist or the hygienist, don't floss and use an old fashioned manual toothbrush and my teeth seem to be fine (fingers crossed).

It's good job I'm OK and don't get anything serious (tempting fate writing that!). I can't take penicillin in any form, can't take erythramycin and medics always have to get their book out and scratch their heads when I need antibiotics. 

It would be good to get through 2012 without any more serious health issues. My knees are not right yet, nor is my back and I can see myself having back surgery within the next year, so I don't want anything else.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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