Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The joys of the handbag!

What is it with us women and our handbags?

I like handbags. Not as much as I like shoes, but I still like them quite a lot. I have several in different shapes, sizes and colours for different purposes. When I last bought myself a pair of expensive shoes (Jimmy Choo), the assistant offered me the matching bag (“real cobra skin, madam)” at the snip of £1,000. I was sorely tempted, but sadly that year lots of the annual bonus was going on a new double glazed door and so I couldn’t afford it.

Even more amazing is what we carry around in them. I see girls on the train struggling with what look like enormous haversacks full to the brim with items they consider to be daily essentials and which they cannot get through a day without. What on earth is it? Makeup, purse, phone, keys and diary I can understand and maybe a book to read on the journey, but what on earth is the rest? Honestly, they are like small suitcases!

I have a reasonable sized bag in black leather I use for daily purposes such as going to work. It holds my purse, my train ticket and work security pass, an extensive set of keys which any self respecting jailer would be proud of, my phone (a Blackberry, so not tiny), my diary, my i-pod (I am old fashioned and prefer my electronic gadgets to be single purpose; that way I know how each one works and I don’t need a degree in computer science to make a phone call) a packet of tissues (Olbas Oil impregnated as I get blocked sinuses), a pen, a packet of Cherry Drops (love ‘em), some Polos, a comb, Anadin, Tampax and a spare pair of knickers!

I was doing quite well until that last item, wasn’t I? But I think it’s pretty sensible; after all you never know when you might need them. And I have discovered that I am not alone, lots of women have a spare pair of panties about their person just in case. So far, I have never needed them, but that doesn’t mean I won’t do so in the future. So they are staying in my bag!

I don’t know how men manage without a handbag. Yes, they go about festooned with pockets, but it’s not quite the same. Full pockets spoil your appearance and damage the fabric of your clothes. Things fall out of them and there is too much choice about where to put things so you end up patting pockets like someone with St Vitus’ Dance just to find your money for sweets. I have bought The Hubby a very smart leather and canvas man-bag which he uses regularly when we go away, but which he seems somewhat shy about using in the UK. I therefore bought him something which looks like a camera bag but which is actually another man-bag which he will deign to use sometimes, and has had to admit that for carrying his keys, phone, work phone, wallet, security pass and sweets it is invaluable.

I think you can never have enough bags, and when shops such as Primark and New Look sell cheap items which nevertheless look good at affordable prices why not have them? I have been caught out once or twice when switching between bags and leaving something behind in the old one, but not often. We don’t get that many treats in life, so why not indulge in this little harmless one sometimes? It’s a lot cheaper than indulging in Jimmy Choo!

1 comment:

  1. The reason men manage of course without a bag is because they ask us ladies to put it in our bag! Or if you are always totally minimalist like my husband, he will only take a miniscule wallet the size of a credit card in his pocket and then consistently asks for; tissues, spare change, a map (he is a scout leader don't forget, his ticket (which I am of course carrying!), the car keys, a pen, paper etc the list is endless. however whenever I say, why don't you bring these things, he says oh I don't need all that stuff! Anyway, you have it! Grrrr!


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