Thursday, 1 March 2012

Pinch, punch, first of the month!

I can't believe it's March already! Where is the year going?

It only seems a couple of weeks ago that we finished panto and I was looking forward to having about two months off before starting rehearsals for Midsummer Night's Dream. Half that time has already gone!

March is always the start of spring for me. Lovely cheerful yellow daffodils start appearing in the garden, we get some beautiful blue skies and the birds start thinking about nesting. We've put a little bird box on the side of the cherry tree this year (well away from the cats) and I am very hopeful that a pretty little family of Blue Tits will nest in it to be close to the cherries when they start to form.

I also think that when you get to March, you are pretty unlikely to get much more in the way of snow and if you do, it won't last too long. It can still be very cold and we do get early morning frosts, but not much of the really white stuff.

And March, of course, is when the clocks go forward and we start to get lighter evenings (spring forward, fall back, is how I was always taught to remember which way they go!). I have never understood this obsession with changing the clocks, it's just a bloody nuisance and I'd always go for lighter evenings rather than lighter mornings. At least in the morning you know it's going to get lighter as you make your way to work/school, if it's dark as you go home it's going to stay that way for about twelve hours.

I really dislike the winter. You will all be aware that I like to be warm and summer is my season. When you get to March, summer seems in reach and all the lovely outdoor events which we do very well in the UK are there to look forward to. I can take the roof down on my car and cruise around wearing my sunglasses and look really cool (if you stretch your imagination a bit) and when you get home from work there is time to go out into the garden and get some fresh air.

Even when eventually we go to live in Greece (and we will) I think we will probably come back to the UK in July and August. For a start it's just too hot in Crete in August, and we do like the fetes, carnivals and open air theatre that we get in the UK in summer. The plan is to keep a little bolthole here so we can come back whenever we like, but to live out there for about nine months of the year (We'd also come back here at Christmas). Perfect.

For now, a UK spring will have to do me. The weather has been lovely and mild over the past week, so lets hope that continues and we get a nice long summery time in 2012 (if this is global warming bring it on!). I intend to get the wellies on, and get busy in the greenhouse. But you know the UK - nothing is predictable. Must buy some parafin for the heater, just in case!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I like all the seasons. Each one has a plus and minus point. In fact that is the beauty of the UK, it is always changing. I like change and that is my downfall. As soon as I am comfortable with something, I don't want it any more, suddenly I'm bored with it and need a change, that is why the seasons suit me just fine, just as I am getting bored with the heat of summer, a nice fresh autumn arrives and just as I've had enough of winter the spring flowers start to pop up.
    so the British seasons suit my general need for constant change very well1 Except that I'm a little bit bored with Britain! Now, where will I be really happy, Shangri-La maybe?


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