Sunday, 8 January 2012

Getting too old?

I'm definitely getting too old. For life in general, and in particular for energetic pantomimes. First pre dress today, another tomorrow, and then two dress rehearsals, night off Thursday and then into a 10 performance run, with the first five performances in the first weekend.

By next Sunday night I shall be on my knees. It'll be home, a bath, cocoa and bed. I know I am sounding ancient, but the days of going out to party after every performance are long over and I just know I shall be a wreck, particularly as the first performance will be to over 230 very vocal brownies, cubs, beavers and rainbows. I can't really complain; after all I am a volunteer, the adrenalin will get me though and when I'm up on that stage I shall love it. But at the present moment, I am looking forward to it with dread. 

It's a very odd thing, this amdram compulsion. People ask you why you do it and to be honest, I'd have to admit I do it for a certain amount of artistic satisfaction but mainly for the applause. Applause makes you feel good, gives you a buzz and sends you out on a high. I've taken some time off for the show because it's impossible to come home and go to bed at a sensible time then go to work the next day and perform to my employer's required standard; my mind is going round and round, revisiting what could have been better, remembering memorable moments or hilarious cock-ups. I will need to watch trash telly until at least midnight if not later before I even try to sleep.

Not all went smoothly tonight and there are one or two things to change tomorrow but overall I think we should all be pleased with ourselves. What we need now is our audience to clap, laugh, shout abuse and cheer. They will lift us up from the mundane and run-of-the-mill to something much better.  As things like costumes, props, lights, the band etc are added, I can always feel my own performance lifting and the audience completes it.

So now, fairly ludicrously early, I'm off to bed to get some sleep before the busyness of the week ahead. At least that's the plan. It takes a lot of energy to go out on stage and terrify children every night - it's not easy you know - and us villains need our beauty sleep!

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more. I do it for love and like you, the applause and adulation! I loved playing the villain and I miss panto. Hopefully my group can educate these North Americans and get them booing and hissing with the best of them. I have some intensive rehearsals coming up over the next three weeks, followed by three weekends of performances. I shall be totalled following this and will retire hurt for a few months. I know though, I will do it all over again later in the year. I shall be thinking of you during your run and wish you the very best. Give the little buggers Hell and remember to LOOK BEHIND YOU!


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