Thursday, 12 January 2012

Scottish independence - a bit controversial?

I see that those nice people from over the northern border with the funny Och-ay accent have started banging on about independence again. They seem very set on this, and have guaranteed that a referendum will be held on Scottish independence by 2014, even though polls show that over 70% of the Scots are, at the moment, against it.

Now I have nothing against Scottish people. I even know one or two very nice Scots who have lovely gentle accents and seem quite sensible. But then they have lived in England for several years, so perhaps they have been influenced to the good. And there are several quite nice things that have come out of Scotland – porridge, (some) tartans, heather, raspberries and the Loch Ness monster to name but a few (not whisky – can’t stand the taste nor the smell of the stuff).

However their politicians are now starting to annoy me about this. To be honest, I’m now getting to the stage of thinking that if they want independence, then we should let the buggers go. I think they’ve got more to lose than we have.

At the moment, they have free prescriptions and free university education in Scotland. Presumably, they can afford this because they get a huge subsidy from the rest of the UK which they chose to spend on that instead of other things.  If they went independent, then that subsidy would have to stop; let them raise their own taxes to pay for it (oh, they can’t can they, because their population either isn’t big enough to raise enough money or too poor – or both). The Scots have one of the worst health records in Europe, particularly for heart disease, and again their health service is heavily subsidised by the British taxpayer. Again, presumably that would have to stop. There must be numerous other examples that, as a southerner and English at that, I am unaware of.

And they’re always whinging aren’t they? Bad old England won’t let them have/do this, insists they do/have that and so on. Whiney sods; frankly if they want independence that badly perhaps we should not protest too much and let the complaining so and so’s get on with it..

“Ah”, but they cry, “we would have North Sea oil, so we're OK”. No they bloody shouldn’t! It was British, not just Scottish, money that went into developing the oil fields and the infrastructure to support them and they should remain a wholly British resource. There is no way that the rest of us should be held to ransom over that.

So lets present the Scots with all the facts, financial and otherwise, and let them make up their minds.  I don’t subscribe to the view that the United Kingdom should stay united, particularly if one substantial minority doesn’t want to, but they must understand that if they vote to move away then they have to stand on their own two feet in every way. And if they vote to stay put, then perhaps we need a complete look at the way we work together, financially as well as ceremonially.

Good luck to them. Their choice. Oh - and if the vote goes against it, don't complain, because that will show that most of you know what's good for you!


  1. I didn't know raspberries came from Scotland.I'm leaning alot from your blogs, Mrs.White!
    all I know that is if the Scots leave the UK then Wales will too and in a way thats fine by me, because I have a house in Wales and then I can decide which is the shittier place to live, Wales or England!Or I could also take the best of both! Free prescriptions in Wales, when I'm there or nicer weather here in Surrey!
    Or I might just leave the UK altogether, because it seems to me that if you try to lead a good life, abiding by rules, paying taxes, actually working for a living, it is fleeced off you and God forbid trying to save for a pension. thats a laugh, I don't think I will ever get my pension (because they keep moving the goal posts and in the meantime, the poor and needy will be given my money.
    Trouble is, its not even easy or even possible, in some circumstances to leave the UK! You're caught by the short and curlies, which ever way you turn.

  2. Oooh! Controversial stuff. Personally, I wouldn't care a tinkers toss if the whole bloody tartan lot of them broke from the UK and preferably sank. They'll whinge if they get independence and they'll carry on whingeing if they don't. They have been a financial millstone around the UK's neck for centuries and I have yet to meet any Scotsman who can crack a smile. They are miserable, unsupportive, belligerent bastards whom I haven't forgiven for atrocities such as deep-fried Mars bars, Andy Stewart's Hogmanays and the SNP. Give 'em independence and then re-build Hadrian's Wall.

  3. Bloody hell. I thought I was radical! But by and large I agree with you. But I do actually like deep fried Mars bars!!


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