Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Just starting out

This is very exciting. Starting my own blog! I've been meaning to get round to this for ages but never had time until now.

It's striking me at the moment how much rubbish there is on our TVs. Last night I was channel surfing for something decent to watch and all I came across was 150 channels of utter trash (my husband would disagree - Chelsea were playing on Sky1). This idling is entirely due to a minor op which has rendered me temporarily immobile, but which has allowed me time to confirm my views that the TV companies, with the possible exception of the Beeb, think we all have the attention span of a five year old and the intelligence of a brain dead zombie. I know I'm sounding like my mother (awful thought), but there really is nothing to watch.

And on top of all that, I now see that a few small minded people are throwing criticism at the Beeb's mighty and wonderful 'Frozen Planet' for using a small amount of zoo based footage of baby polar bears. What would they have preferred? That the nursing mother was disturbed ftrom her hibernation in her frozen winter den, possibly breaking it open and exposing her cubs to the harsh Arctic winter weather or, even worse, injuring them or killing them in her panic about alien wires and lights intruding into her personal space. If any of these pathetic individuals had 1% of David Attenborough's knowledge (and of course, we all know that David Attenborough is God in human form), his skill in front of the camera and compassion for the creatures that he showcases, then they would be lucky. But as it is, they don't. So perhaps instead of sitting in front of their PCs whinging about one of the most fantastic programmes of the year they should get out there and do something interesting, entertaining and educational. If they can!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Way to go Janette, I LOVE people's blogs! My Sam has a brilliant one documenting his trip round South America. As for being outspoken, well, we should all be like that. Honesty is the best policy! Can't comment on TV, cos we haven't got one yet, am working on Phil as I am gutted to have missed the FRozen Planet. anyway, I'm the first on here and look forward to more of your rantings. I love a good rant! Keep it up! Kay xx


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