Well it's new year's eve. When we all wake from our alcohol induced sleep tomorrow morning, it will be a fresh new year with fresh new hopes.
I blogged yesterday about my new year's resolution, so I won't bore you with it again here. And I do intend to do something about it, but not until 24th January - those of you that know me and know what I'm doing for the next three weeks will know why. Then I have almost three months of uninterrupted time to focus on ME, and make it happen.
New Year's resolutions are odd things and probably not worth the time and angst that they take up. I wonder what percentage are broken within 7 days? What percentage within 2 days? I bet it's very high, maybe as high as 90%. And why wait until 1st January to do something about your weight / ambitions / relationship / job / etc?
To be honest, even if I only achieve limited success it will be more than I have achieved in 2011, which has been a pretty crap year all round. Hopefully 2012 will be better; we need things to start picking up or frankly we'll all be up s**t creek without a paddle regardless of whether we have a job or not. At least we can sit smugly in the UK and be thankful that we never joined the Euro; my poor Greek friends are really suffering and the trouble is (as it is everywhere) the people that are having to pay are not the people that caused the problems in the first place. But they keep smiling, smoking and drinking coffee! The fact that the Germans are trying to wage World War III by stealth with the French hanging on their coats tails is, of course, neither here nor there. I mean, why invade when you can take hold of another country's fiscal policies?
Healthwise, I need all my limbs to start functioning normally and be able to be more active and do some exercise. I don't want to compete as part of Team GB, just be fit enough to get through another year without anything hurting! There's a zumba class within walking distance which I'd like to do, and as I said yesterday I must go back to the gym. And I must do something about the fact that I'm a lardy-arse!
Of course there's plenty to look forward to in 2012. The Olympics for one thing, which even if you are not sportingly inclined will be a great spectacle (although a nightmare to get to work if, like me, you work in central London!). HRH's diamond jubilee, which if nothing else gets us an extra day off and a feeling of national pride. I read somewhere that satisfaction with the monarchy has never dipped below 70% even in their annus horribilus a few years ago, and with the Queen herself never gets below 80%. In an ethnically diverse and opinionated country like the UK, that's quite an achievement.
So let's go past midnight in a spirit of hope and enthusiasm, and all try to make the best of it. It'll be better for some than others, but overall let's try and have a good one.
Happy New Year, everyone, where ever and who ever you are!
Well I have enjoyed the 2011 blogs and look forward to many more in 2012. As for keeping fit, well, you have to be honest with yourself, i don't just mean you Janette, I mean everyone.
ReplyDeleteLet's face it, isn't the gym a "fad"? a trendy thing to do? Who honestly likes being cooped up in a smelly claustrophobic and artificially lit hole such as a gym and pay for it! there are so many nicer ways to get fit. As far as I'm concerned you just can't beat nature. It makes you feel happy, refreshed and energised. You said it yourself a few days ago, that you and Chris had a lovely walk in Tilburstow Hill. We are so lucky round here to have all that at our fingertips! Don't bother to pay for the gym, get a bicycle or even borrow someone's dog. You may not lose weight or become fit as quickly as the gym, but I bet you'll enjoy it more and certainly you will maintain and sustain it for a longer period of time. the gym? It'll fizzle out, well it would for me, cos it's boring, but nature? Never the same twice!
Hmmm. New Year Resolutions, the quickest way to make yourself look a complete liar. I gave up making them ages ago on the basis that you shouldn't need to wait for some arbitrary date on the calendar to start improving yourself. I'm not a big fan of New Years Eve, in fact I find it fairly depressing and always aim to be in bed before midnight. Having said that, 2012 should be a better year all round. I know a lot of people who have had a pretty lame 2011.