Friday, 30 December 2011

New Year's Resolutions - must lose weight

The excesses of the past few days are definitely catching up with me. Just like when you go on holiday, and a few days in you collapse as the adrenalin which has kept you going gradually recedes, I feel exhausted. My digestive system is groaning and I have an ulcer the size of Vesuvius on my tongue which must be the result of too much acid (ie wine!) in too short a space of time. Knowing it's my own fault for being an overeating, wine guzzling, chocaholic couch potato doesn't make it any better.

I am therefore determined that once we get into the new year (and probably after the panto which also involves an excess of wine and bad eating habits) I must do something about a) my weight and b) my general fitness.

How many times have I said that before? Well yes, several, but this year I really must. I can't go on putting on weight at the rate I have over the past decade for the next few years; if I do, by the time I'm 60 I'll be bigger than Hattie Jacques (you know, the fat one in the Carry On films - although by all accounts she was quite a girl with a voracious sexual appetite). And I refuse to buy clothes where the size label starts with the number two!

The big question is how to do it. I've tried Weight Watchers in the past and it wasn't too bad, but I was hungry quite a lot and it was expensive. The online version is OK, but doesn't have the discipline of the weekly meetings and tellings off by the 'Leader'. I've tried basic calorie counting but that's friggin hard work, weighing everything out and again, being very hungry quite a lot. I don't fancy the idea of food combining (too much thought) Atkins (gives you shocking wind and bad breath) or detoxing (don't like wheatgrass that much). I have obtained a supply of herbal appetite suppressants and colon cleaners from the internet which I'm going to try, but not for long because basically they give you the shits and you should never trust strange pills from strange men!

I'm also just going to eat less, cut out chocolate completely and cut out alcohol in the week. Think using side plates as dinner plates and halving the amounts I'm inclined to eat naturally. I'll hate it. I also need to do some exercise and I think that means I'm going to have to go back to the gym. Because of my bad back and knees, I can't run so I think some low impact stuff on treadmills, bikes and cross trainers is probably what's needed. Awful thought, and might have to get the Wii Fit back out, too.

I'm gonna hate this, and will need to be nagged. But I'm determined that by the time I go away in June, I will be at least a stone and a half lighter, be fitter and have more energy. At least, that's the plan.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I am going to try as well in the new year - feel like if I don't do something soon, I will have a heart attack or stroke. I don't actually eat that much, but i do eat the wrong things and at funny times of the day so no real routine. I cook for the family, but quite often when I cook, I don't fancy eating it! I am going to try Slimmers World and just walk the dog more often to start with. I lost 4 stone with Cambridge (milkshakes and soups)in 2008 and it was great because I didn't have to think about food at all (that is the worst thing about diets - one is ALWAYS thinking about food!), but as usual, it all went back on again over the next three years, plus another stone!!

    We all know that to keep the weight off, we need to change our way of thinking about food completely. I wish you the best of luck Janette, and hopefully we will both be much smaller by the middle of 2012!


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